If you have not visited the dentist within the past 6 months, now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment. As the end of the year approaches, you need to maximize the value of your health insurance benefits or flexible spending accounts. By doing so, you will receive the care you need with little to no out-of-pocket costs. With the end of the year coming up soon, if you do not use your yearly insurance allowance or flexible spending account, you will lose out on a valuable savings opportunity. As your dentist in Virginia Beach, we will help you make the most of your insurance and accounts for affordable dental care before the end of the year.
Use It or Lose It
Each year, your dental insurance covers certain services, such as preventive and diagnostic care. Often, dental insurance policies cover these appointments in full, so you will not have to pay anything. In addition, you are given a set allowance to cover a portion of restorative services each year. As a result, you will pay a fraction of the cost for treatment when compared to those who are uninsured. This offers an affordable means to maintain optimal health. However, if you do not visit the dentist before the end of the year, your dental allowance expires. Your benefits will not carry over to the next year.
Those who have flexible spending accounts can use the accounts to pay for dental expenses, such as deductibles and co-payments. While the accounts often do not cover cosmetic services, they can be used for preventive, diagnostic, and restorative care. However, as with your dental allowance, if you do not use them by the end of the year, they will expire, causing you to miss out on a huge savings opportunity.
Visit Your Dentist Before the End of the Year
As the end of the year approaches, it is the ideal time to visit the dentist, especially if you have not been to the dentist recently or if you need extensive work performed. If you have not visited the dentist recently, you are opening the door to more serious oral health complications. As a result, the treatments required will be more extensive and costly. You may not have enough dental allowance or enough in your spending account to cover the higher cost. But, by visiting the dentist now using the preventive and diagnostic services included in your dental benefits to cover the remaining out-of-pocket cost, you will ensure your dental care remains affordable both today and in the future.
In addition, those who need extensive dental work, such as wisdom tooth removal, dentures, or root canal therapy, will maximize the value of their dental insurance. At the end of the year, your dental allowance and spending account will expire. You can have the dental work you need done now. Then, in a couple of months, your allowance and accounts will start over so you will have the funds you need to maintain your oral health throughout the next year.
As your family dentist, we are here to see you smile with affordable dental care. We are proud to help you maximize your dental insurance and spending accounts. Contact our office to schedule an appointment.