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(757) 499-4707 762 Independence Blvd. #794
Virginia Beach, VA 23455

Dentist in Virginia Beach has the Secret to Fresh Breath

November 5, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — esparzafamily @ 6:49 pm

Your dentist in Virginia Beach for fresh breath.Bad breath is a common problem we all have from time to time depending on what we eat. However, if you have bad breath more often than not, you may be part of the 25 percent of people who have halitosis. While halitosis can be caused from various factors, the leading cause of the odor is due to poor oral hygiene. With bad breath leading to embarrassment and anxiety, we have several secrets to help you freshen your breath. As your family dentist in Virginia Beach, we will help you prevent the odor so you can speak confidently.